This week we will begin our later rehearsals. Here’s the scoop for Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday as far as dinner and dismissal go.

After school - snack break in music room

4:00ish begin rehearsal

6:00 dismiss the “early dismissal munchkins.” This is the same group of Munchkins who were dismissing early in previous rehearsals. These Munchkins will not eat dinner at the school.

6:15 dinner break for the remainder of the cast. Martin Musicals will provide food.

6:45 resume rehearsal

8:00ish dismiss full cast.

Remind text will notify parents if we are running ahead or behind.


ALL CAST MEMBERS must be in their correct shoes (with hair pulled back for girls.)

Thursday - full cast please bring costume base

DANCERS must be in costume base all week to begin practicing costume changes.